MicroTheater NY SEAson 13th – Open Call

Teatro SEA​ announces the theme for its 13th season of MicroTheater New York which will take place on March 10, 11 & 12, 2023 in Teatro SEA at the Clemente.  MicroTheater is a theatrical format, which consists in the representation…

MicroTheater NY SEAson 12th – Open Call

Microteatro New York​ – Convocatoria Teatro SEA​ anuncia el tema para la duodécima temporada de ​Microteatro New York​, que se desarrollará el 2, 3 y 4 de diciembre de 2022, abriéndole las puertas a nuevas propuestas teatrales de pequeño formato…

Punto SEA | Open Call

We’ve had several wonderful months full of incredible performances at Punto SEA, thank you to all of our special guests and audience members for participating! We are excited to announce a new open call to all performers interested in hosting an act for Punto SEA!…


Teatro SEA celebrates arts for all on the Lower East Side at the annual Arte Pa’ Mi Gente festival! Sociedad Educativa de las Artes (SEA) invites vendors to submit proposals to be considered for inclusion in the outdoor festival Arte Pa…